Diversion Solutions provides innovative programs for the criminal justice system that enable offenders of criminal law to avoid criminal charges and/or a criminal record. 

Our purpose is to offer relief to your office of expensive and lengthy criminal justice proceedings. We have a proven track record providing better outcomes for your office, offenders, victims and courts. By offender accountability using multiple requirements that may include:

Education that is targeted at preventing future offenses

Timely restitution collected for the victim of the offense

Advisory services to aid and monitor offender progress

Best class support that focuses on reducing recidivism and building safer communities

We reduce your caseload burdens and costs, without the use of tax dollars!

Accountability and restitution are key components to what we do. Including all programs, since inception, we have returned over $16 million in victim restitution, past due fines, and fees. All the while, we have worked with over 15,000 participants getting positive results for everyone.

Diversion Solutions works with law enforcement, government agencies, and legislatures to develop best in class offender programs that meets the needs of the criminal justice system. Through reduced recidivism, time & cost savings, victim restitution and offender education with support that help’s puts lives and communities back together again one piece at a time.

Our suite of services includes:

  • Driver’s License Reinstatement Program
  • SCALE- A model for change
  • Traffic Education Program
  • Felony Pre-Charge and Post-Charge Diversion


Paul G. Beaumaster
Former Rice County County Attorney - Rice County MN
“ I started contracting services from Diversion Solutions in 2002 with their Check Diversion Program.  In addition to Check Diversion, while in office, I contracted the Driver’s License Reinstatement  and Theft Diversion Programs. I also asked Diversion Solutions to develop a DUI Training/Monitoring Program and Felony Pre-Trial Program that wouldn’t cost the county any money or time in the development and management.  Diversion Solutions stepped up to the plate, took on the development task (freeing up my employees) and developed both programs.   Scott provided solutions that not only saved money, but improved outcomes for the participants and the county. “
Daniel Lew
Chief Public Defender, 6th Judicial District - Northeastern Minnesota
“The Felony Pre-Charge Diversion is a pathway to successful communities: no criminal charges, no criminal record. Countless folks now have an opportunity to keep and find jobs, support their growing families, remain in stable homes, get student loans, and make right to those harmed.”